Instructions for the Web Map Service (WMS)
The following changes to the WMS will be introduced on 11 July 2024:
The additional layer 'dipul:modellflugplaetze' can be called up via the WMS. The geographical areas (model flying fields) contained in the layer are only shown as additional information and can represent a safety benefit during UAS operation, e.g. beyond visual range (BVLOS), in order to prevent potential collisions with model aircraft by the operator flying around the corresponding area.The following changes to the WMS has be introduced on 27 February 2024:
- The provision of temporary operating restrictions (NFZ):
The NFZs are areas with temporary flight restrictions. - Layer temporary operating restrictions (temporaere_betriebseinschraenkungen): All NFZs created and authorised by the competent authorities.
- Layer inactive temporary operating restrictions (inaktive_temporaere_betriebseinschraenkungen): All NFZs created by the authorities. Please note that unauthorised NFZs are also displayed.
- Changes to the data schema:
- The name field is executed as a list (e.g. for several authorities in the same building).
- The specification of the upper limit ("upper_limit_alt_ref", "upper_limit_unit", "upper_limit_altitude") is omitted for unlimited restrictions (previously 99999.0) for all layers with the exception of the two new layers with temporary operating restrictions.
- Unit for height specification is written in lower case („M“ -> „m“ und „FT“ -> „ft“. Caution: „FL“ -> „FL“).
- The height reference is specified as follows:
- „AGL“ - (Above) Ground Level (replaces „GND“).
- „MSL“ - Mean Sea Level.
- „PA” - Pressure Altitude, when height is measured using a barometer calibrated to the standard atmospheric pressure 1013.25 hPa (29.92 InHg) and a temperature of 15 °C (59 °F), expressed as Flight Level (FL) in hundreds of feet.
- „WGS84-HAE” - Height above WGS84 ellipsoid.
- The external reference is executed as a 7-digit combination of upper-case letters, lower-case letters and numbers.
The Digital Platform for Unmanned Aviation (dipul) project of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) uses spatial data services. These services are standardized through the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The geospatial reference data are provided via the Web Map Service (WMS).
These instructions give an overview of the use of the Web Map Service.
The WMS is a web service that exchanges spatial data via a standardized interface and then visualizes them. Users must send a request to the geoservice via an internet address (URL). Communication takes place through GET requests via HTTP. Each request must contain a number of mandatory parameters, such as the layer to be displayed, the section of the map to be displayed or the expected output data format. The geoservice responds to the request and provides the desired data.
The WMS is based on both raster and vector data, which are displayed either as a section of the map in a simple raster graphics format or as metadata. Users can choose various query options to return the required data accordingly.
Terms and conditions of use
Internal usage:
The data provided via the WMS can be used within an application that is created for the sole use by of its owner.
The following applies for applications which can be used by third parties:
The data of the WMS may be used in non-commercial applications created for the purpose of increasing the situational awareness of private drone pilots over geographical areas that are defined in accordance with §21h LuftVO Paragraph 3. The usage hereby means any processing, transfer and visualisation of the data directly or indirectly in an application, e.g. mobile app, web application, applications for other electronic devices.
The data of the WMS may only be used in non-commercial applications and the data source (DFS and BMDV) must be indicated. The following source information must be clearly displayed: "Source geodata: DFS, BKG [Year of publication]". You must keep the source information up to date. Please also read the corresponding "Copyright information/information on the origin of the geographical zones" on our page:
It is not permitted to process, reproduce, pass on or visualise the data of the WMS in commercially operated applications (in return for payment or monetary benefits of any kind from and to third parties) or outside the permitted purpose of use.
Operation of the WMS
As already described, users can make a request to a geoservice via URL.
URL queries used must comply with the IETF RFC 2396 URL specification. Among other things, this international standard states that certain characters are reserved for use in URL queries (see Table 1). If one of these characters, or other special characters, is to be used as part of the parameter value, it must be coded according to the specified standard.
Character | Use in query |
? | Separator indicating that a query starts |
& | Separator between two parameters of a query |
= | Separator between parameter name and parameter value |
, | Separators between individual values of a list parameter |
+ | Symbol for space |
The dipul geoservice can be queried via the following URL:<query parameter>
Query options
The WMS distinguishes three different query options – GetCapabilities, GetMap, GetFeatureInfo – whose principles are explained in this chapter.
As described above, the WMS is standardized and specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). For further information, please refer to the specification according to the OGC website (
The GetCapabilities option allows you to query the capabilities and metadata of a service. As a response, the geoservice provides all requested metadata in the required format, which can then be opened with suitable software (e.g. directly in the web browser or a text editor).
The metadata obtained can be divided into three areas:
- General information: includes a brief description, contact person as well as the terms of use.
- Formats: Includes the available formats for each query. This information can then be used for the further GetMap or GetFeatureInfo queries. The following parameters are obligatory or optional for a valid GetCapabilities query:
- Layer: Includes all available layers as well as coordinate systems.
This information can then be used for the further GetMap or GetFeatureInfo queries.
The following parameters are obligatory or optional for a valid GetCapabilities query:
Parameter | Required | Description |
service | yes | Specifies the name of the service. For a WMS query, the value must be set to WMS. |
version | yes | Specifies the version to be used. All versions are supported (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.1, 1.3.0). |
request | yes | Specifies the chosen query option. Must be set to getCapabilities for this query. |
namespace | no | Limits the response to the layer of the set namespace. |
format | no | Specifies the chosen format of the output. |
Example of a getCapabilities query:
Output of the sample query (partial screenshot only):

Another output option is visualization using third-party websites and tools that support a WMS import. This allows the geographical zones to be displayed outside the Digital Platform for Unmanned Aviation (dipul).
The GetMap query can be used to request a section of a map in a raster image format from the geoservice. Some of the available values of the different query options can be displayed via the getCapabilities query.
As already described, special characters must be encoded in the parameter values according to the standards:
Special characters | Encoding |
: | %3A |
, | %2C |
/ | %2F |
The output is a map image in the requested format.
A valid GetMap query must or can contain the following parameters:
Parameter | Required | Description |
Service | yes | Specifies the name of the service. For a WMS query, the value must be set to WMS. |
Version | yes | Specifies the service version to be used. All versions are supported (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.1, 1.3.0). |
Request | yes | Specifies the chosen query option. Must be set to getMap for this query. |
Layers | yes | Specifies the layers to be displayed in the map section. The prefix ‘dipul%3A’ must be specified for each layer. All available layers are listed in Annex 1. Format: Comma-separated list |
Styles | yes | Specifies the style in which the layers are to be displayed. If no style is explicitly specified, the default style is used. |
Srs or crs | yes | Specifies the coordinate reference system to be used. The srs parameter is used for versions 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.1.1. The crs parameter is used for version 1.3.0. |
Bbox | yes | Specifies the coordinates of the map section to be displayed. The values must correspond to the coordinate reference system used. Format: comma-separated values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) |
Width | yes | Specifies the width of the map image in pixels. |
Height | yes | Specifies the height of the map image in pixels. |
Format | yes | Specifies the chosen format of the output. |
Transparent | no | Specifies whether the map background should be transparent or not. Mögliche Werte: true/false |
Bgcolor | no | Specifies the background colour of the map image. The default value is white (FFFFFF). Format: RRGGBB |
Time | no | Specifies the time stamp or time period of the map data. Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ |
Sld | no | Specifies a URL encoded styledLayerDescriptor XML file. This file can be used to check and improve the map layers and the map styling. |
Sld_body | no | Specifies a URL encoded styledLayerDescriptor XML file. This file can be used to check and improve the map layers and the map styling. |
Example of a GetMap query:,dipul%3Aflughaefen,dipul%3Abundesautobahnen&bbox=49.960939 %2C8.444366%2C50.174699%2C8.979950&width=808&height=500&srs=EPSG%3A4326&format=image%2Fpng
Output of the sample query:

The GetFeatureInfo operation allows users to search for special attributes of the characteristics of a location on a map. The geoservice responds to the query with specified additional information. Depending on the query, this information can be output in different data formats and displayed in a corresponding tool.
The following parameters are obligatory or optional for a valid GetCapabilities query:
Parameter | Required | Description |
Service | yes | Specifies the name of the service. For a WMS query, the value must be set to WMS. |
Version | yes | Specifies the service version to be used. All versions are supported (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.1, 1.3.0). |
Request | yes | Specifies the chosen query option. Must be set to getFeatureInfo for this query. |
Layers | yes | Specifies the layers to be displayed in the map section. The prefix ‘dipul:’ must be specified for each layer. All available layers are listed in Annex 1. Format: Comma-separated list |
Styles | yes | Specifies the style in which the layers are to be displayed. If no style is explicitly specified, the default style is used. Format: Comma-separated list |
Srs or crs | yes | Specifies the coordinate reference system to be used. The srs parameter is used for versions 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.1.1. The crs parameter is used for version 1.3.0. |
Bbox | yes | Specifies the coordinates of the map section to be displayed. The values must correspond to the coordinate reference system used. Format: comma-separated values (minx,miny,maxx,maxy) |
Width | yes | Specifies the width of the map image in pixels. |
Height | yes | Specifies the height of the map image in pixels. |
Query_layers | yes | Specifies the layers to be queried. Format: Comma-separated list. |
Info_format | no | Specifies the chosen format of the output. |
I/X | yes | Specifies the x-coordinate in the coordinate reference system. The parameter I is used in WMS version 1.3. The parameter X is used in older WMS versions. |
J/Y | yes | Specifies the y-coordinate in the coordinate reference system. The parameter J is used in WMS version 1.3. The parameter Y is used in older WMS versions. |
exception | no | Specifies the chosen output format for exceptions. |
feature_count | no | Specifies the number of features about which information is to be returned. The default is 1. |
Example of a getFeatureInfo query:
Output of the sample query:
![Output of "Results for FeatureType 'de.dfs.dpul:flugplaetze'" Figure shows following output text: Results for FeatureType 'de.dfs.dpul:flugplaetze': -------------------------------------------- geom = [GEOMETRY (Polygon) with 33 points] id = flugplatz.fid--39974a14_17dac8e5679_-380d name = Frankfurt-Main BG Unfallklinik type = FLUGPLATZ lower_limit_altitude = 0 lower_limit_unit = M lower_limit_reference = GND upper_limit_altitude = 99999 upper_limit_unit = M upper_limit_reference = GND legal_ref = § 21h, Abs. 3 (1.) LuftVO --------------------------------------------](
Annex 1 – List of all available map layers
Layer | WMS Layer |
Aerodromes | dipul:flugplaetze |
Airports | dipul:flughaefen |
Control zones | dipul:kontrollzonen |
Restricted flying zones | dipul:flugbeschraenkungsgebiete |
Federal motorways | dipul:bundesautobahnen |
Federal highways | dipul:bundesstrassen |
Railway installations | dipul:bahnanlagen |
Inland waterways | dipul:binnenwasserstrassen |
Maritime waterways | dipul:seewasserstrassen |
Shipping installations | dipul:schifffahrtsanlagen |
Residential property | dipul:wohngrundstuecke |
Outdoor pools and beaches | dipul:freibaeder |
Industrial installations | dipul:industrieanlagen |
Power plants | dipul:kraftwerke |
Substations | dipul:umspannwerke |
Power lines | dipul:stromleitungen |
Wind farms | dipul:windkraftanlagen |
Prisons and secure psychiatric units | dipul:justizvollzugsanstalten |
Military installations and organizations | dipul:militaerische_anlagen |
BSL-4 facilities | dipul:labore |
Authorities | dipul:behoerden |
Diplomatic and consular missions | dipul:diplomatische_vertretungen |
International organizations within the context of international law | dipul:internationale_organisationen |
Police property | dipul:polizei |
Other security authorities | dipul:sicherheitsbehoerden |
Hospitals | dipul:krankenhaeuser |
National parks | dipul:nationalparks |
Nature reserves | dipul:naturschutzgebiete |
Habitats Directive sites | dipul:ffh-gebiete |
Bird sanctuaries | dipul:vogelschutzgebiete |
Temporary operating restrictions | dipul:temporaere_betriebseinschraenkungen |
Inactive temporary operating restrictions | dipul:inaktive_temporaere_betriebseinschraenkungen |
Model flying fields | dipul:modellflugplaetze |