Model Aircraft in Germany

In Germany, model aircraft pilots benefit from special rules that are tailored to their needs. The prerequisite for this is that the operation is carried out within the framework of a model aircraft association that has received an operating licence valid from the German Federal Aviation Authority in accordance with Article 16 of Implementing Regulation 2019/947.
This ensures that model aircraft enthusiasts organized in an association can pursue their hobby as they are used to and according to the rules that continue to guarantee the high level of safety.
In Germany, the Deutsche Modellflieger Verband e. V. (DMFV) and the Modellflugsportverband Deutschland e. V. (MFSD) are holders of such an operating license from the German Federal Aviation Authority (Luftfahrt-Bundesamt, LBA).
In addition to the relevant paragraphs of the Air Traffic Regulations (Luftverkehrs-Ordnung, LuftVO), internal association procedures apply in the associations, which regulate model aircraft operations on and outside model aircraft sites:
Deutscher Modellflieger Verband e. V. - DMFV ![]() |
Verbandsbetriebsregeln „einfach.sicher.fliegen“ im Deutschen Modellflieger Verband e.V. (DMFV) |
Modellflugsportverband Deutschland e. V. - MFSD ![]() |
Modellflugbetrieb im Modellflugsportverband Deutschland e.V. (MFSD) |
The model aircraft sites of the approved model aircraft associations are also displayed in the map tool of the dipul. The following information should be observed:
- The representation of the radius around the center of the model aircraft sites does not reflect the actual flight sector. Please note that model aircraft operations are also to be expected in the vicinity of the marked area.
- In principle, model aircraft operations are possible within the entire airspace G. Due to exceptions, e.g. in control zones or through operational agreements, the upper limit applicable to model aircraft may be lowered or increased. If necessary, the above-mentioned upper limit UNL must be specified on a case-by-case basis.