Accessibility statement in plain language
All people should understand this web page easily.
Disabled and non-disabled people should be equal.
Therefore, a law exists.
The law is called: [Behinderten-Gleich-Stellungs-Gesetz] the Act on Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons.
Abbreviated with BGG.
The law contains a rule for public authorities.
The rule is for public authorities in Germany.
A public authority is for example:
- Government office
- Authority
- Court
We are a public body too:
We are the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.
The Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology contains the exact instructions for the rule.
Abbreviated with BITV.
One speaks: Bitvau
Every public authority must follow the rules.
The rules state:
- Everyone must seek for barrier-free offerings.
- Everyone must say what works.
- And what does not work well yet.
Everyone must write that on the web page in a statement.
This is called a declaration of accessibility.
This declaration was made for the web page www.dipul.de.
Our website is already almost barrier-free.
What needs to be improved on our web page:
- We found a problem with the program NVDA.
NVDA reads out the web pages.
NVDA is used by many blind people.
When the NVDA program is turned on, the following does not work well:
Navigating through the menus with the keyboard.
We are working on the problem. - Some downloadable PDF documents have barriers.
- The map of the country has several more barriers.
Making a map barrier-free is much harder than making a web page barrier-free.
We still have to do a few things better.
We are working on that.
We tested this page on 12/3/2021 and found barriers.
This statement was created on 12/22/2021.
And the last check was on 12/22/2021.
Report barriers
Have you found a barrier?
Or do you want to know where we are?
Then you can ask.
You can use our contact form:
You can write a letter.
This is our address:
Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Invalidenstrasse 44
D-10115 Berlin
Or you can call us.
This is our phone number:
+49 (0) 30 18 300-0
Conciliation Board
Sometimes the barrier is still there.
The barrier is not removed.
Then there is a dispute.
The dispute should end.
And everyone should be satisfied.
There is a place for that.
The name of the office is: Conciliation Office.
There you can write a letter.
This is the address:
Conciliation Board under the Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act at the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53
D-10117 Berlin
Or you can call.
This is the phone number:
+49 (0) 30 18 527 2805
Or you can send an e-mail:
Or you can go to the web page of the conciliation office.
There you can go to the web page: www.schlichtungsstelle-bgg.de

German version verified by:
Stefanie Koehler, Janina Spang
Tandem-Beratung-Leichte Sprache
at the Federal Monitoring Agency for Accessibility of Information Technology